Photo by Aaron Burden

Our Beliefs

The Bible


Mankind and Sin


The Church

  • We believe … that the church is a group of believers gathered together for encouragement, and then dispersed to evangelize, all for the sake of bringing glory to God. In it’s broad sense, the church is composed of every single born-again believer, but in a narrow sense, the church is composed of a local assembly of believers that meets in a fixed location.
  • We believe … that the mission of the local church is the Great Commission. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commanded His disciples to go and witness to the unbelievers, baptize the believers, and teach them how to live Godly lives. We believe that this mandate, although given directly to the disciples, is also given to us. We should go and witness to the unbelievers, we should baptize the believers, and we should teach everyone how to live a Godly life.
  • We believe … that they are 3 main responsibilities of the Church, and the purpose of the church is to accomplish these tasks:
    • Evangelize – This is the first priority of every believer in the church. As Christians, we have the privilege and responsibility of telling others what Christ has done for us (Mark 16:15). As a result of the salvation that we have through faith in the person of work of Jesus Christ, we need to share Jesus without hesitation of reservation. Some good passages to use in witness are: John 3:16, Romans 3:10, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13, Romans 3:23, I John 1:9, John 14:6, John 8:24, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, Isaiah 53, etc.
    • Expand – The second responsibility of the church is to expand. One misconception with expanding the local chapter of the church is that we need to get them saved, get them cleaned up, and then bring them to the church. This is not commanded in Scripture. In Acts 2, we see that people were being added to the church on the same day that they were being converted. We need to follow this model, and encourage all believers, regardless of the level of spiritual maturity to become a part of a local church.
    • Encourage – This last responsibility of the church is perhaps the most forsaken in modern Christianity. There are many passages in the Bible (Phil. 2:3-4, Eph. 4:29,32, Rom. 12, etc.) that talk about how we are to teach other. In fact, there are 234 passages that use the words “one another” to describe various interpersonal relationships. One of the main reasons that church meets together on a regular basis in to be an encouragement to each other. Founding Father John Dickinson coined the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” to emphasize the importance of standing together with a common goal. Three of the Gospel also discuss this principle by stating that if we are not united in a common goal we will fail. We all face hardships that threatened to undo us, and so we need the encouragement of fellow believers to keep going strong.


The End Times